Fixed price items

Monetize your mailing lists and social network selling fixed price items from your website, Facebook or Twitter. Creative pricing and packaging drives customers into your store during slow times.

Here are a few examples of fixed price offerings from some of our creative Shopkeepers:

Chef Tonys Chef Tony Marciante captures the essence of Summer marketing live Maine lobster dinners to his customers during July and August. Tony also sells “date night” pre-fixe dinners for two periodically throughout the year.
Pre-fixe dinner for 2 or 4
Dino's Grotto in Shaw Dean Gold of Dino’s In Shaw offered his customers selection of Tuscan wine flights ranging from Brunello Di Montalcino Reserva through Rosso Di Montalcino.
Chef Ris Lacoste offers her customers a comfort food package called Soups & Scoops comprised of a quart of soup and quart of ice cream. Mmmmm.
Robin Mukherjee of Capitol Shine combines headlight restoration and a quick shine (wash) as a package.

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